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Buy a License

Use the links below to purchase licenses and review regulations at various state agencies.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources


Ohio Department of Natural Resources


Ministry of Natural Resources - Ontario


Please have your license at least a day before your trip. There are often no place close to the launch to purchase a license.



All anglers 17 and older are required to have a valid fishing license.  Fishing licenses can be purchased online. 


All anglers 16 and older are required to have a valid fishing license. Fishing licenses can be purchased online. 


All minors under 17 can fish without a license, but each minor must have an adult with a license to fish under.  If the minor does not have a license, the minor and the adult are only allowed one limit of fish combined between the two of them. 

Detroit River

It is highly recommended to purchase a daily license at a minimum,. Many days the best fishing takes place on the Canadian side of the river. The difference can be significant in both numbers and size of fish caught during your trip.  Please have your Canadian license BEFORE arriving at the river.


If we will be fishing in Canada, each person on board must be able to prove citizenship with one of the following documents on their person:  1) enhanced driver’s license 2) passport 3) passport card.


If you have ANY reason to believe you will have issues with customs in either Canada or the US, please inform the captain ahead of time. Violations such as DUI, will prohibit you from entering Canada.


The following items are NOT permitted in Canada:  Firearms, Alcoholic beverages, cash over $10,000, tobacco products.

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